How to Bond Orthodontic Braces

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April 5, 2023
Dr. Jordan Seetner
Next Generation Braces

How to Bond Orthodontic Braces Comfortably at Orthodontics on Queen in Toronto

Orthodontic braces are a common treatment used to correct a variety of dental problems, from misaligned teeth to bite issues. If you have been recommended braces by the team at Orthodontics on Queen in Toronto, you may be wondering about the comfort of the bonding process. Here's what you need to know:

The bonding process is very comfortable

One of the biggest concerns that patients have when it comes to getting braces is the discomfort they may experience during the bonding process. However, you can rest assured that the process is very comfortable and will not hurt you.

No needles, anesthetic, or gas are needed

Unlike some dental procedures, no needles, anesthetic, or gas are needed for the bonding process. This means that you don't have to worry about any uncomfortable numbing sensations.

Here are the steps involved in bonding orthodontic braces:

Step 1: Cleaning the teeth

Before the braces can be bonded to the teeth, the teeth must be thoroughly cleaned and dried. This is done using a dental polishing paste and a high-speed handpiece, which removes any plaque or debris from the teeth.

Step 2: Applying the bonding agent

Once the teeth are clean and dry, a bonding agent is applied to the surface of each tooth. The bonding agent is a special adhesive that helps the brackets adhere to the teeth. It is usually applied using a small brush or syringe.

Step 3: Placing the brackets

After the bonding agent is applied, the orthodontist at Orthodontics on Queen in Toronto will carefully place each bracket onto the surface of each tooth. The brackets are typically made of metal or ceramic and are designed to hold the archwire in place.

Step 4: Curing the adhesive

Once the brackets are in place, the bonding agent needs to be cured using a special light. The light activates the adhesive, causing it to harden and bond the brackets to the teeth. The curing process usually takes about 10-15 seconds per bracket.

Step 5: Attaching the archwire

After the adhesive is cured, the orthodontist will attach the archwire to the brackets using small elastics or clips. The archwire is the part of the braces that puts pressure on the teeth and helps to move them into the correct position.

Step 6: Adjusting the braces

Over the course of your treatment at Orthodontics on Queen in Toronto, your braces will need to be adjusted periodically to ensure that your teeth are moving properly. During these appointments, the orthodontist will make small adjustments to the archwire and elastics to continue guiding your teeth into the correct position.

Bonding orthodontic braces is a precise and delicate process that requires the skill and experience of a trained orthodontist. At Orthodontics on Queen in Toronto, we understand that comfort is important to our patients. If you have any concerns about the bonding process or your treatment plan, don't hesitate to ask our team. We are committed to providing you with the most comfortable and effective orthodontic care possible.

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