New Year's Poem by Orthodontics on Queen

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January 3, 2023
Dr. Jordan Seetner

Here is a little poem from the family at Orthodontics on Queen, located in the Beaches, Toronto. We hope you enjoy it!

A new smile, a new year.

As the new year starts anew,

I resolve to have a smile that shines bright and true,

No more wonky or misaligned teeth,

I'll be grinning from ear to ear, it's a relief.

I'll be visiting Orthodontics on Queen,

To get the perfect smile I've always dreamed,

With braces or Invisalign in tow,

I'll be on my way to a perfect glow.

Gone are the days of hiding my grin,

I'll be showing off my pearly whites,

I'll be the life of the party,

My confidence will soar to new heights.

No longer will I hide in the shadows,

I'll be shining bright like a star,

With my straight teeth and radiant smile,

Thanks to Orthodontics on Queen, I'll go far.

So here's to a new year,

And a smile that will light up the room,

With my straight teeth on display,

I'll be smiling, no longer in gloom.

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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