Finding the Best Toronto Orthodontist

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May 4, 2022
Dr. Jordan Seetner

Finding the Best Toronto Orthodontist

As of 2022, the Greater Toronto Area, and Toronto in particular, has numerous orthodontists. How do you know which orthodontist is the best?

Let’s start off by explaining exactly what an orthodontist is. 

In Ontario, all orthodontists, at the minimum, have the following credentials:

  • 4-year undergraduate university degree (e.g. Bachelor of Sciences degree)
  • 4-year DDS (Doctorate of Dental Surgery) or DMD (Doctorate of Dental Medicine) degree
  • Completion of the dental licensing exam
  • Completion of dozens of hours, per year, of continuing education (ongoing)
  • 2-4 year specialty degree in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
  • Completion of the specialty licensing exam

Orthodontists are dental specialists. They do not perform fillings, extractions, crown and bridgework, implants, or general dental exams, nor do they perform cleanings. They restrict their practices entirely to moving, re-aligning and straightening teeth and jaws using braces, Invisalign, clear aligners, expanders, retainers, and numerous other orthodontic appliances. 

What makes each orthodontist different?

When meeting with and speaking to Toronto-based orthodontists, you may notice the following differences:

  • Personality: Some orthodontists are friendlier and more outgoing, while others are quieter and more introverted. Some lead an office-culture that is fun and positive, while others create a culture that is more down-to-business.
  • Technology: Some orthodontists strive to stay up-to-date with the latest advances in the field, be it Invisalign, clear aligners, virtual impressions, 3D printing or online scheduling. Others shy away from newer technologies and like to use more conventional methods to move teeth or run their practices.
  • Customer-service orientation: For some orthodontists, the overall patient experience and ease of service is extremely important. For others, it is a lower priority. 
  • Artistic capability: Similar to plastic surgery, or architecture, orthodontics is both an art and a science. Every orthodontist has the scientific capability (otherwise they wouldn’t have their credentials), but some are more artistic than others. 
  • Involvement with teaching and research: For many orthodontists, once they are done specialty training they spend the remainder of their careers in their private practices. For others, they continue to be involved with universities, faculty, and students, thereby remaining up-to-date with current trends and research and continuously applying it to their practices. 

So how do you know which orthodontist in Toronto is the best?

There really is no single best orthodontist in Toronto. Luckily, Toronto has many talented and capable orthodontists. The best orthodontist, for you, is the one that you like and connect with the best. When choosing your best orthodontist, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you mesh with his or her personality? 
  • Do you appreciate his or her use of technology? 
  • Do you like how the office treats their patients from a customer-service standpoint? 
  • Have you seen some final results, and do they look beautiful? 
  • Is he or she involved in teaching and research? 

To learn more about Dr. Seetner, click here.

The more you align with your orthodontist’s character and overall philosophy, the happier you will be during your orthodontic journey to a healthy and confident new smile!

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